• These mugs are all produced in small batches. Typically offering only a set at a time with no more than twenty to a formal line. The newest batches can be found here and are released seasonally for purchase online. All other ceramic products and singles from separated sets can be found during alternative studio openings and events.

  • Each clay body is carefully considered and selected for its ability to withstand the demands of a daily practice that cycles raw clays between sculpture and functional work.

    Brooklyn red stoneware is central to the ongoing creation of ceramic landscape components seen when browsing this studio. These clay bodies offer a strong, textured base that links these objects directly to surrounding northeastern geologies.

  • All glazes are custom mixed from raw materials to create a strong desired effect. A simple palette has been developed, maintained, tested and pushed to its limits of use to ensure that each piece will stand the test of real everyday use.

  • Building clay components for landscapes and sculptures always results in leftovers. Cutoffs and other clay parts that get discarded into various piles for later use. In this case those leftovers go through a process of constant recycling until they finally arrive at their ceramic state as objects and artifacts of the studio process. These mugs carry on a lineage to other works encountered here by way of this material history and memory.